Just What Is So Great About TNCRRG Anyway?
There are many very solid arguments that can be made that strongly support the proposition that TNCRRG has indeed produced substantial and significant benefits for its insured shareholders (and in fact, the broader Church) – benefits that go far beyond the mere provision of good insurance. These benefits derive from several circumstances, including:
- The fact that TNCRRG’s Board and management recognize their fiduciary duties as stewards of the patrimony of the Church
- The fact that TNCRRG is 100% owned by, and exclusively devoted to satisfying the needs of, Roman Catholic organizations
- The fact that the TNCRRG Board and its management perceive their roles on behalf of the Church as a ministry of risk management and insurance, ultimately designed to assist TNCRRG shareholder entities with the accomplishment of their spiritual ministries
So what does the TNCRRG “track record” display in this regard? Does it support the existence of the circumstances just enumerated and the associated benefits of ownership?
In its very brief, 29 year history, TNCRRG has:
Safe Environment Leadership
- Through its VIRTUS® program, TNCRRG has again demonstrated leadership on behalf of the Church, - in this case, in the prevention of sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults and in other risk control related areas. TNCRRG’s Protecting God’s Children® Program has established itself as the “gold standard” in the Church’s efforts to eliminate the scourge of child sexual abuse. More United States dioceses and eparchies – by a huge margin - are actively engaged in Protecting God’s Children and with VIRTUS, than in any similar program. VIRTUS has established and maintains 140 diocesan and eparchial relationships in the U.S. Church, plus serves the Christian Brothers Risk Pooling Trust and 47 additional independent Catholic institutions in the U.S.
- Furthermore, VIRTUS is undeniably international in scope and influence. We serve the Antilles Episcopal Conference (21 Caribbean dioceses) as a client and we are currently working with the Church in Australia, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Germany, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands (17 dioceses), Peru and Poland. In 2016 VIRTUS Online™ had 3,930,450 visits from people in 172 countries and every continent except Antarctica (as reported by Google Analytics)! By the end of 2016 VIRTUS Online had published 4,222 training materials since its launch in July 2002. Additionally, by the end of 2016, the VIRTUS Program had trained 3,000,000+ individuals in 255,376 training sessions since Program inception in January 2002 and VIRTUS maintained an active corps of 12,413 specially trained Program Facilitators nationally! All of this leads to the conclusion that VIRTUS is the undisputed leader in the provision of safe environment products/services to the Church: and by a very, very wide margin.
- Further, TNCRRG has won six national awards of excellence for its VIRTUS products and services, in five distinct competitions, from four different secular organizations that evaluate the effectiveness of commercial, industrial and institutional training programs. No competitive program can exhibit or evidence similar accolades. The Catholic Mutual Group so admired the VIRTUS Program that they have nationally endorsed and sanctioned it as their safe environment program of choice for their members.
- Finally, no major industry insurer or TPA has any comparable risk control program.
- TNCRRG conceived of and financed the development of The Treatment and Wellness Program – The Pledge to Heal. The program is a concise, yet extremely comprehensive, guide or “map” to the treatment elements that constitute proper pastoral, psychological, emotional and physical care for victims of sexual abuse and misconduct. The program incorporates both background information, and also, “best practices” tools and recommendations, developed by Drs. Michael Bland (a former member of the National Review Board), Peter Silvain and Pamela Silvain. It also includes references for further education and support. This unique and highly valuable program is provided free of charge to any visitor to VIRTUS® Online or this website. No major insurer or TPA has offered anything vaguely comparable to their clients.
- The VIRTUS team has completed – for the fourth time since 2002 - safe environment training for the seminarians, faculty and staff of the Pontifical North American College in Rome. The VIRTUS team most recently repeated this training in Rome at PNAC in October 2015.
- VIRTUS was the only safe environment program invited to participate in the “Towards Healing and Renewal Symposium” at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome in February 2012, where the “students” were over 225 Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Major Superiors from around the world. The VIRTUS team was responsible for producing and presenting nine of the ten workshops during the symposium.
These are only a few of the highlights of TNCRRG’s leadership on behalf of the Church. Click the links to the left to learn about other highlights.
All these lead to an irrefutable conclusion: over the last 29 years, no primary insurer, excess and surplus lines insurer, reinsurer (including all of the other Catholic insurers), broker or TPA has done as many excellent things for the Church, in as many different ways, as frequently and consistently, as has The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc.! |