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National Catholic Makes Available 2023 Annual Report with Included Audited Financial Statements. Click the Annual Report button in the upper right-hand section of the screen to view.
Shareholders of National Catholic can now download a copy of their 2023 Stock Schedules. These schedules are useful to see the value of their equity B Shares of National Catholic stock. Click HERE to log in.
TNCRRG presents the Newsletter for June 2024
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Just What Is So Great About TNCRRG Anyway?

There are many very solid arguments that can be made that strongly support the proposition that TNCRRG has indeed produced substantial and significant benefits for its insured shareholders (and in fact, the broader Church) – benefits that go far beyond the mere provision of good insurance. These benefits derive from several circumstances, including:
  1. The fact that TNCRRG’s Board and management recognize their fiduciary duties as stewards of the patrimony of the Church
  2. The fact that TNCRRG is 100% owned by, and exclusively devoted to satisfying the needs of, Roman Catholic organizations
  3. The fact that the TNCRRG Board and its management perceive their roles on behalf of the Church as a ministry of risk management and insurance, ultimately designed to assist TNCRRG shareholder entities with the accomplishment of their spiritual ministries
So what does the TNCRRG “track record” display in this regard? Does it support the existence of the circumstances just enumerated and the associated benefits of ownership?

In its very brief, 30 year history, TNCRRG has:

Coverage Achievements
  • Demonstrated leadership in the creation and provision of insurance coverage elements needed to properly cover Church ministries. Some examples (now frequently adopted by other insurers) include:

    • Teaching and Research Laboratory Pollution Coverage
    • Landscaping and Agricultural Chemical Drift Coverage
    • Fungal Pathogen Coverage
    • Lead Hazard Coverage
    • Limited Professional Health Care Services Coverage
    • Diocesan Review Board Coverage
    • Innocent Person Defense Costs Reimbursement Coverage
    • Volunteer Attorney's Errors and Omissions Liability Coverage
    • Computer-Related/Cyber Liability Coverage
    • Drone-Related Liability Coverage
    • Sexual Misconduct Limited Coverage (which no one was underwriting when TNCRRG first offered its full policy limits for this exposure)
  • Further, when TNCRRG initiated operations, there were literally less than a handful of insurers that would underwrite nonprofit entity Directors’ & Officers’ (D&O) coverage, and their premiums were unaffordable. By contrast at the time, TNCRRG offered D&O coverage as a “throw-in” at no premium charge.

  • Similarly, athletic participation coverage was virtually unavailable – and absolutely unaffordable – at the time of TNCRRG inception, while TNCRRG offered full limits coverage with no related surcharge.

  • Additionally, TNCRRG offered Employment Practices Liability (EPL) Coverage from its first day of operation (June 30, 1988). The overall insurance industry didn’t start broadly writing this coverage until around 1994.

  • Finally, in its entire history, TNCRRG’s Board and management have never restricted or reduced previously granted coverage in TNCRRG policy forms – they have only expanded and enhanced coverage terms and conditions.

These are only a few of the highlights of TNCRRG’s leadership on behalf of the Church. Click the links to the left to learn about other highlights.

All these lead to an irrefutable conclusion: over the last 30 years, no primary insurer, excess and surplus lines insurer, reinsurer (including all of the other Catholic insurers), broker or TPA has done as many excellent things for the Church, in as many different ways, as frequently and consistently, as has The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc.!