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National Catholic Makes Available 2023 Annual Report with Included Audited Financial Statements. Click the Annual Report button in the upper right-hand section of the screen to view.
Shareholders of National Catholic can now download a copy of their 2023 Stock Schedules. These schedules are useful to see the value of their equity B Shares of National Catholic stock. Click HERE to log in.
TNCRRG presents the Newsletter for June 2024
Have you checked out the resources available to you on the Tools tab? There is a wealth of information that will help you protect and care for those you serve.

First and foremost, The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. (National Catholic) has an extremely well established track record of providing a highly effective and stable risk-transfer mechanism for Catholic dioceses, religious communities and institutions.

We also furnish a comprehensive array of outstanding products and services for both our shareholders and non-shareholders. These products and services include:

Free Claim Audit Services

National Catholic will provide a review, free of charge, of any Shareholder’s In-House Claims Department or outside Third Party Administrator Services, upon request. We will audit your claim files for the following lines of coverage;
  • Auto and General Liability
  • Errors & Omissions (E&O)
  • Directors & Officers (D&O)
  • Employment Practices
National Catholic uses industry Best Practices in our auditing and sees this as an educative process. A detailed synopsis of the findings, complete with recommendations as how best to address any area that could benefit from improvement, is provided.